Thursday, November 3, 2011

Week 8 Overview - Pumpkins and Halloween!!

We've officially entered my favorite time of year. I just love fall and the weather and holidays it brings! This week we did a pumpkin theme to go along with Halloween. I've planned for every holiday week to be a review of all the numbers and letters we have learned so far. That way we can take a bit of a break from the "learning" to enjoy the holidays.

To review the letters A - D, I took out all of the little books that I got from a preschool alphabet workbook and we read those and our BOB Alphabet books.

I used a printout from the 2 Teaching Mommies pumpkin packet and some letter stickers from my scrapbooking stash to create to create some upper and lower case letter matching cards.

Caleb did such a good job of identifying the letters I asked him to find and making the matches of the upper and lower case letters.

While we were working on our letters I got out the sandpaper letters and flashcards to work more on learning his name. I laid out the letters of his name and had him put the corresponding matching letters underneath. He can now identify his name when it is written out on paper, so he is making great progress!

I found another great pumpkin printable on 2 Teaching Mommies to help review the numbers 0 - 3. I cut out the "pumpkin seeds" and put one of our number cookie cutters on the paper and asked Caleb what the number was and then asked him to count out the correct number of seeds to put inside the pumpkin.

We had some fun pumpkin and Halloween themed books to read to go along with our theme.

And of course, we had to read Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater. :)

I obviously chose orange to be the color of the week and incorporated it into all of our pumpkin themed lessons. For a little fine motor play I let Caleb play with a spoon and orange puffball "pumpkins". He just loved scooping them out and separating them by size.

We continued our annual tradition of going to the pumpkin patch with my dad. I loved watching all of the kids playing in the pumpkins. Although Caleb was really more interested in running around and playing. :)

And here's my little pirate, all ready for trick or treating!

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween!!